Be encouraged with a new Daily Bible Verse each day. Grow your faith by reading daily Bible verse and devotionals on the go. Inspire your mind with daily Bible verses to give you strength and motivation everyday.
Daily Bible Verse Features:
>User friendly interface.
>Fresh Daily Bible Verse updated each day.
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*Use the Explore feature on the Daily Bible Verse app to add more Daily Bible Verses and content from the web.i.e feeds,podcast,forums and so much more.
#Thank you for the wonderful reviews! 5 star ratings make us smile :)
Seja encorajado com um novo verso diário da Bíblia todos os dias. Cresça sua fé lendo diariamente o versículo bíblico e os devocionais em movimento. Inspire sua mente com versículos da Bíblia diariamente para lhe dar força e motivação todos os dias.
Recursos diários do versículo da Bíblia:
> Interface amigável.
> Fresh Daily Bible Verse atualizado a cada dia.
> Procure por versículo bíblico diário sobre tópicos específicos
> Receba alertas quando um novo Daily Bible Verse estiver disponível.
> Star seu verso diário favorito da Bíblia para ler mais tarde
> Compartilhe Daily Bible Verse com seus amigos e familiares.
> Salve o versículo da Bíblia diariamente para ler mais tarde.
* Use o recurso Explorar no aplicativo Daily Bible Verse para adicionar mais versões diárias da Bíblia e conteúdo da web.i.e. feeds, podcasts, fóruns e muito mais.
#Obrigado pelos comentários maravilhosos! 5 classificações de estrelas nos fazem sorrir :)
Be encouraged with a new Daily Bible Verse each day. Grow your faith by reading daily Bible verse and devotionals on the go. Inspire your mind with daily Bible verses to give you strength and motivation everyday.
Daily Bible Verse Features:
>User friendly interface.
>Fresh Daily Bible Verse updated each day.
>Search for Daily Bible Verse on specific topics
>Get alerts when a new Daily Bible Verse is available.
>Star your favourite Daily Bible Verse to read later
>Share Daily Bible Verse with your friends and family.
>Save Daily Bible Verse to read later.
*Use the Explore feature on the Daily Bible Verse app to add more Daily Bible Verses and content from the web.i.e feeds,podcast,forums and so much more.
#Thank you for the wonderful reviews! 5 star ratings make us smile :)